Home Featured New Technology for Business : Quantum Computing

New Technology for Business : Quantum Computing

by TechMobi Desk
Quantum Computing

Vice a popular news channel interviewed their lead researcher and she told them D-wave plays a crucial role in the operations of their R&D deptt.

They have to do mathematical calculations crucial to operations of AeroDynamics R&D deptt., that will take years to complete when done on conventional computing systems. And the same equations are a matter of few seconds for D-wave. As a result their overall productivity has received an overhaul since D-wave came.

China’s Quantum Computing man is using this tech to develop future communication technologies that uses Chinese quantum satellites in space for secure line IP telephony, which would disconnect the connection as soon as any eavesdropping is detected.

Researchers at Microsoft have already begun their efforts to develop an OS for public quantum computers that are in the foetus of future.

To conclude, Quantum Computing is the future of computing that is definitely meant to replace the way traditional computing is done.

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