Home E-commerce Why Video Marketing Is Becoming An Important Topic In Businesses?

Why Video Marketing Is Becoming An Important Topic In Businesses?

by Meghashree Das

Video marketing is all the rage these days, and for a good reason.

What do you mean by the idea of marketing with the use of videos?

Video marketing is the fastest-growing type of content out there (last year 9 billion videos were viewed on YouTube) and is becoming a key element in just about every marketing strategy. Video marketing works for a number of reasons, and it’s important to understand why it is growing in popularity so you can harness its power. Videos appeal to people on an emotional level, which provides an opportunity for marketers to connect with their audience and build trust and authority.

According to Google research, 60% of consumers say that watching video about a product influences their purchasing decisions. In fact, almost 60% of consumers say they’ve gone online to watch a video specifically about a product they intend to buy.

Customers are more focussed on buying items which appears on videos

A lot of research has shown that people are much more likely to buy from brands they know and like, whether it’s a product or service. And when you watch videos, you’re not just browsing through words and images – your brain processes video content in a completely different way because it creates visual associations with the content.

In short: video can be an invaluable tool for any brand looking to reach their customers or clients, both online and offline. However, producing quality videos can be quite challenging without a professional team or high budget, which means that many businesses end up overlooking this great opportunity.

But, of course, it’s not all about visuals – audio content is also very important when it comes to creating an effective video. And this is where the new generation of voice-overs come into play!

Technology have come to an advanced proposition these days

Technology has grown so much in modern years that voice-overs can now be done with relatively low costs and an incredibly small amount of effort. This means that businesses can finally get the professional results they are looking for without having to spend a fortune or run dry at the end of the month.

Due to the fact that voice-overs are becoming much more common, you might think that there wouldn’t be a huge demand for them anytime soon, but you’d be wrong! In fact, they are now offered as an additional service by many professional video production companies, and new technology is constantly emerging and improving the quality of these services. As a result, demand for these services is constantly growing, which means businesses need to hire voice-over actors if they want their videos to perform well in search engines.

What are the benefits of video marketing?

Many small businesses neglect to see the benefits of video marketing. One of the main reasons people use video is to improve search engine optimization (SEO). Having a video on your website makes it more likely for users to click through and search for related content. It also assists make your site look more professional. Videos can be used as advertisements in e-newsletters or as social media links with accompanying captions.

How are the videos helping your business to market?

Videos are a very diverse form of media. Since you have so many options, make sure your video marketing strategy is as diverse as you can manage. An example of a bad video marketing strategy would be to use only YouTube videos and then discard the rest of the options out there. If you use one video hosting site, it is going to be less beneficial than if you spread out your videos among multiple sites. The more sites you can upload your videos to, the more money it will make for your business.

How can videos be used to garner popularity?

The reason video marketing is so strong is because of the numerous uses of it. You can use YouTube videos to gain traffic, and use Facebook or another video hosting website to receive more attention for your product. The best way to practice this type of marketing is by using videos with your website so that your audience will become familiar with it. You can also use this type of marketing in a creative way by turning around and posting videos on other websites with your company name on them. If you have an e-business, a good idea would be to make a blog post about how you are making the process of making videos easier for yourself, and then put that information into any YouTube video you make.

Keeping video marketing relevant over the years

We live in the era of technology, a world where our online footprint has exploded and can potentially echo for eternity. Why, then, do so many marketers believe that video marketing is a fad or the “in-thing” of the moment? When in reality, video marketing has experienced an increase of staggering proportions. A recent study shows that more than half of all marketers are using videos as a part of their marketing strategy. With statistics like these, it would be foolish to claim video marketing is on its way out.

This study by Econsultancy found that 49% of marketers are using videos in their marketing strategy, comparing it to just 41% back in 2011. This is a huge rise and as Econsultancy notes, “it’s no accident, the growing popularity of video marketing has coincided with an explosion in access to fast, reliable broadband internet, cheap video cameras and affordable editing software.”

Search engines have also started heavily incorporating video into the search algorithm with Google now factoring video into their scoring system more than any other type of content. Video marketing is no running a “nice to have” tool, it’s a must-have as the numbers prove.


The beauty of video marketing rests in its capacity to be so personal. With a video, you are able to elegantly create an emotional bond with your audience through interaction and storytelling. As an expert in online marketing, we believe that one of the key elements of success for any type of online content is how human it appears. This is something that video excels at providing, because there’s no better way to communicate emotions than to put people “on-screen” and make them feel included.

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