Home Tech News What’s New With The Linkedin Pages??

What’s New With The Linkedin Pages??

by Aditi Singh

Demand for live streaming is increasing in a nationwide lockdown. In this way, Microsoft-owned professional network LinkedIn released a new update on Wednesday. Under this, the company has announced to integrate the existing two features LinkedIn Live and LinkedIn Event. In such a situation, the virtual live event can now be hosted from the LinkedIn page, and users will be able to connect directly to the event through live streaming and ask questions. LinkedIn’s virtual event solution is present on the mobile and desktop of all users globally. With this virtual event solution of the company, the online community of the professional world will be able to connect with each other in real-time.

According to LinkedIn data, the rate of watching live streaming videos is higher than other types of videos. Live videos on LinkedIn are commented at 23X more time, while on normal videos the rate is 6X. The company claims that LinkedIn’s virtual event is quite secure and reliable.

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How to host virtual events on Linkedin

For a virtual event, the LinkedIn page will first need access and approval.

A page must have at least 1000 followers for approval on LinkedIn.

The same page receives live streaming approval from LinkedIn,

Those who engage with the community and respond to their comments.

LinkedIn event is created after approval is received.

LinkedIn launched LinkedIn Events globally in October 2019, and in March 2020, the company facilitated users to create LinkedIn pages on their platform. Ajay Dutta, India head of product, Linkedin, said that at present, the world is preferring virtual events over personal conferencing. In such a situation, it is necessary for the professional community to have its own virtual platform, which is completely secure as well as equipped with customer-friendly tools. He said the company had made a better start to reach the target audience, which shares the event’s invite on First Degree Network.

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